
A different meaning in German.

In German-speaking countries, the term boardinghouse generally refers to apartments with service.

However, this term is now outdated, as this word - which originated in English - has a different meaning internationally. Historically, boardinghouses in Australia and America were simple accommodations for migrants, offering room and board. Nowadays, they are understood to be social reception centres in which affordable accommodation is offered to low-income people thanks to government support.

In the UK, it is also often associated with simple (student) accommodation with a shared kitchen and plain room furnishings.

Therefore, the continued use of the word boardinghouse in German linguistic use leads to great confusion, especially among international guests looking for long-term accommodation in Germany. The Charter of Temporary Living, which provides a uniform definition of the terms used in the industry, aims to ensure that the term in its current usage disappears from German usage in the long term.

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