15 Years Apartmentservice – An Anniversary Anecdote

15 years of a successful company history are exciting and deserve a small review. Over the years a lot of projects were developed but also a lot of interesting, exciting and sometimes even difficult things happened, which pushed the business forward in one way or another. Following, there is a little story about the latter.

Anett Gregorius says THANK YOU, because: The customer is king and in a positive way it was all his fault!

Once upon a time… this is how fairy tales usually begin, but also the company history of Anett Gregorius. More than 15 years ago the young graduate wrote a thesis about the “Presentation and Evaluation of The Development Trends of Serviced Apartments in the German Accommodation Market on Structural and Economical Criteria.” Shortly afterwards she put her theoretical knowledge into practice. Parallel to pursuing a career in the hotel business, she founded <link http: boardinghouse-consulting.de>Boardinghouse Consulting, before exclusively turning to consulting services for operators and investors for temporary living full-time in 2001. She created a second business focus with the online platform www.apartmentservice.de. The work was carried out from her home office.

Then a client came along. He wanted to employ Anett´s consulting services for an intranet solution and asked for a meeting. But working from home meant that the computer was standing on the dining room table, the files were in the storeroom and there was no conference table. Not yet. Because Anett Gregorius proceeded to action immediately: She tidied up, had a company sign printed and an office-like signage put on the bathroom door. The customer was supposed to feel comfortable and in an office-like atmosphere, as appropriate as the reputable consulting services which he expected from this young entrepreneur.

Shortly before the meeting the customer informed her that the conversation would be held in a hotel lobby instead. Apart from an important co-operation the hotel buyer from Siemens AG was also responsible for the fact that shortly after the meeting Anett moved into a proper office. So the company found a suitable home sooner than expected.

Thank You!
